
G8/NATO Summits 2012

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Police Training Pt.1

The Chicago Police Department is training their officers for the summit. They are training in Pittsburgh and Seattle. More then likely, it will cover mass arrests, crowd control, riot control, and proper use of sontrol weapons like tear gas grenades, water cannons and batons.. My thought, why can't they bring the trainers HERE instead of sending almost all of our officers over there. May be cheaper, however, I'm unsure as to exactly what this training entails, but I digress. I may have an interview with an officer or two in regards to the training that may be given soon.

The biggest problem will be the tear gas. Some people, myself included, have been exposed to it. Military and protesters alike can tell you how it feels, myself included. Those who know, without having protecting, know not to freak and just let it do what it does while remaining calm and getting out of it. Remember, it won't ill you, just cause a lot of discomfort. There are two ways to protect yourself with a kit a little bigger then a cigarette pack, a gas mask, or, a homemade mask.

Tip one: Kit

It's simple, just a handkerchief, rag, or a bandanna, and a small bottle of vinegar. When you know the gas is coming, soak the cloth in the vinegar and put it over your mouth and nose. This will protect your airway. If you want, get some cheap swimming goggles for your eyes.

Tip 2: Homemade Gas Mask

Similar principle. You can use this info-graphic for the details.

For informational purposes only.

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