
G8/NATO Summits 2012

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Interview with Police

Well, just got done talking to a two Chicago Police Officers. A two for one if you will. Name and certain locations have been modified to protect myself and the officers. Also the conversation has been slightly modified as well.

How's it going today.

Officer B. "Not bad."

Officer M. "Getting a little cold out."

What do you think about the summits coming?

Officer B. "It's going to be hell. I've seen the video from some of the prior G8 and NATO summits. Not a pretty picture."

Officer M. "I might take the week off."

It's going to be that bad?

Officer B. "Of course. Not only do we have the summits, but there's also 7 other things going at the same time. I don't even think that they'll even send us help until it gets too far."

Officer M. "Yeah. We're already 4,000 officers under what we're supposed to have. The biggest problem is that almost 500 are retiring by the end of the year."

I thought CPD was only about 2,000 officers down.

Officer M. "They weren't telling you half of everything. We're to have 13,000. We barely have 9,000. But you know why we're having the summits right?"

Emmanuel was kissing Obama's ass to get them?

Officer M. "Not only that, but it's a test run. Since Daley couldn't get the olympics, he's trying to get them."

Officer B. "That's all it is. If we can handle this, we can handle anything."

What do you know about the training?

Officer B. "They haven't told us much of anything yet."

I've heard that they are sending some of you guys to either Seattle or Pittsburgh.

Officer M. "It won't be some. They'll have to send all of us. Not sure on the blocks, but if they send 250 of us over there, that's 250 off the streets. Now, imagine Chicago, on a regular day, with 250 gone. It'll be bad. I can tell you that now."

Any final thoughts for the readers?

Officer B. "When it comes, be careful. And try not to make too much of a mess. Remember, we have to clean it up."

Officer M. "I second that. I really don't feel like having  to deal with a riot."

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