
G8/NATO Summits 2012

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Protest First Aid

This won't be about trips, falls, scrapes, the usual. Most, if not everyone, at the protests know how to treat these. The primary thing I'll be talking is CS/CN/CX (tear gas) and OC (pepper spray) exposure. Bare in mind that the treatments I'll cover may work for both.

[Before you go]

Don't use oil-based anything. The oil will hold the chemicals on your skin longer. If you wear contacts, opt for glasses. Contacts can act like the oil, keeping the chemicals in your eyes. wear something that can cover your exposed skin. Even something as simple as cheap rain gear can offer you some protection.


If OC spray is to be deployed, often times you'll see them reach for their spray canisters or ready paintball guns (if they will use peperballs. Concentrated chemical in a plastic container.)

In the case of tear gas, you can see their preparations easier. They'll begin donning their gas masks. This will give you the chance to ready yourself by covering exposed skin or even putting on your own mask.

[After Deployment]
Don't Panic!Something people seem to forget it that the pain is temporary. When they are inflicted with pain, the get agitated. When you get agitated, your breathing increases, as it increases you suck in more of the irritant, then the cycle goes on. Stay as calm as possible. If your blinded by the chemical listen. The "medics" will be calling for those exposed. Follow their voice. If your are one of the ones prepared for the chemicals or it doesn't bother you as much, help out. Something as simple as kicking the canister away can help a lot. Escort those you can to help then go back for more.


A simple "L.A.W." (liquid antacid and water) can do wonders. Take your favorite liquid antacid, like Maalox, and fill a spray bottle with a 50-50% mixture with water. For eyes, start from the mucus membrane, (near the nose) and work your way out. For the mouth, spray, swish, and spit the L.A.W. Repeat as necessary. I really can't find much at all for the nose.

For the skin, nothing can beat soap and water. Some use alcohol wipes to clean the skin. While this may be effective, if you choose to do it, be care to to get too close to the eyes. Prolonged skin exposure can lead to chemical burns. These burns can be treated simple with medicated gauze.


Wash your clothes and wash yourself. Wash your clothes that have been exposed once or twice by themselves before you even thing about washing them with anything else. "Fuzzy" synthetic cloth like Gore-tex, and most fleece, are as good as gone. Chances are they will retain the chemical after cleaning exposing you to it once more. Take a nice cool bath to wash your hair and body. Wash a few times to ensure that you are clean and that the chemical is fully cleaned off your body.

If you have anything else you would like me to add, let me know.

For Educational Purposes Only.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

T Minus 6 Months and special thanks.

Six months left and the information regarding the summits is limited. The main bits of information released since the announcement in June are that they are coming to Chicago, police will receive training, the state/county/city received a grant for security, petitions filed for permits, and former Chicago 2016 (Olympics) President Lori Healey will be on organizing duties. Not much information. The logistics of the event are unknown. Times and locations, for the most part, are unknown. However, with 6 months, it's more then enough time to release more information.

And a special thanks to someone going by the name Anon Y. Mous. The anonymous donor has donated funds with the strict order I create a .COM domain, which I've already done. Thank you very much. The domain will be http://www.G8NATO2012.COM. It's live now.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Occupy Chicago vs. G8/NATO Protests

Let's take a look at a few things. Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy thinks that the Occupy Chicago situation makes for a good dry run. Not really. OC is a, for the most part, a real peaceful protest. It's organised to a point. However, it's mostly Chicagoan's that know how CPD reacts and have made it a point to not get on their bad sides. That's why it's more peaceful then many other cities Occupy Wall Street is in. OC even has the Green group willing to go to jail.

The G8/NATO protest won't even come close to being that nice. Unlike OC, they have have the Black Blockers that who are the one's who do the damage. The rest, for the most part, are peaceful. But as we know, all it takes is for one idiot to start the downward spiral of order into sheer chaos. Just look up, "Black Block", you'll see what I mean. Not to mention, the sheer numbers will be overwhelming. More then likely, we'll need outside help to assist.

Now, how is that a valid comparison? It isn't.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Interview with Police

Well, just got done talking to a two Chicago Police Officers. A two for one if you will. Name and certain locations have been modified to protect myself and the officers. Also the conversation has been slightly modified as well.

How's it going today.

Officer B. "Not bad."

Officer M. "Getting a little cold out."

What do you think about the summits coming?

Officer B. "It's going to be hell. I've seen the video from some of the prior G8 and NATO summits. Not a pretty picture."

Officer M. "I might take the week off."

It's going to be that bad?

Officer B. "Of course. Not only do we have the summits, but there's also 7 other things going at the same time. I don't even think that they'll even send us help until it gets too far."

Officer M. "Yeah. We're already 4,000 officers under what we're supposed to have. The biggest problem is that almost 500 are retiring by the end of the year."

I thought CPD was only about 2,000 officers down.

Officer M. "They weren't telling you half of everything. We're to have 13,000. We barely have 9,000. But you know why we're having the summits right?"

Emmanuel was kissing Obama's ass to get them?

Officer M. "Not only that, but it's a test run. Since Daley couldn't get the olympics, he's trying to get them."

Officer B. "That's all it is. If we can handle this, we can handle anything."

What do you know about the training?

Officer B. "They haven't told us much of anything yet."

I've heard that they are sending some of you guys to either Seattle or Pittsburgh.

Officer M. "It won't be some. They'll have to send all of us. Not sure on the blocks, but if they send 250 of us over there, that's 250 off the streets. Now, imagine Chicago, on a regular day, with 250 gone. It'll be bad. I can tell you that now."

Any final thoughts for the readers?

Officer B. "When it comes, be careful. And try not to make too much of a mess. Remember, we have to clean it up."

Officer M. "I second that. I really don't feel like having  to deal with a riot."

Police Training Pt.1

The Chicago Police Department is training their officers for the summit. They are training in Pittsburgh and Seattle. More then likely, it will cover mass arrests, crowd control, riot control, and proper use of sontrol weapons like tear gas grenades, water cannons and batons.. My thought, why can't they bring the trainers HERE instead of sending almost all of our officers over there. May be cheaper, however, I'm unsure as to exactly what this training entails, but I digress. I may have an interview with an officer or two in regards to the training that may be given soon.

The biggest problem will be the tear gas. Some people, myself included, have been exposed to it. Military and protesters alike can tell you how it feels, myself included. Those who know, without having protecting, know not to freak and just let it do what it does while remaining calm and getting out of it. Remember, it won't ill you, just cause a lot of discomfort. There are two ways to protect yourself with a kit a little bigger then a cigarette pack, a gas mask, or, a homemade mask.

Tip one: Kit

It's simple, just a handkerchief, rag, or a bandanna, and a small bottle of vinegar. When you know the gas is coming, soak the cloth in the vinegar and put it over your mouth and nose. This will protect your airway. If you want, get some cheap swimming goggles for your eyes.

Tip 2: Homemade Gas Mask

Similar principle. You can use this info-graphic for the details.

For informational purposes only.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dates and Locations

So far, the dates, as they are known, for the G8 and NATO summits are May 15-22, 2012 and May 20-21, (needs confirmation) 2012, respectively. That's right! At the same time. Talk about trouble for the Chicago Police Department. I'd hate to see what kind of security they'll bring in. Expect cops on foot, horseback, in cars, and don't be surprised to see a tank or two.

So far it seems it'll be mostly at the McCormick Place Convention Center. Good for them, not so good for others. For one, the NRA, not that one, but the National Restaurant Association moved there show because it conflicted with the summits. A couple schools with plans to visit Chicago are cancelling them or moving the dates. If you plan on visiting Chicago, book your rooms NOW! Also, expect traffic to take a massive blow. Expect police barricades, motorcades, and tear gas grenades to block your path to where you want to go.

Yes, I said tear gas grenades. If the previous summits taught us anything, it's that protesters will be all over the place. It's know that both events bring in massive amounts of protesters. Now, we got BOTH of them at the same time. Rioting WILL hit the streets. Those of us who live here KNOW the monkey see, monkey do attitude this city has. All it'll take is one person to cast the first firebomb. CPD WILL react. It won't be race based this time, but full on chaos. It'll start at the location and move outward.Not a problem if you live farther away, but expect the stuff to go off a mile or two from the site as well.

Now, with the hotels, expect the summits to take up AT LEAST 10,000 hotel rooms. My GOD that's a lot. BUT, you have the chance now. Everyone is waiting on Pres.Obama. Now, a bit of a look into their security, per hotel, they want no more the 2 dignitaries per. That's right, only 2 per hotel, for the G8, so far as I know. NATO may be the same. Obama is not going to stay at his Hyde Park residence, oh no, he's going to be in a hotel. Everyone's eyes are on him. As far as I know, it's going to be either the Park Hilton, or the Four Seasons. My money's on the Hilton. Once his choice is made, expect a near sell-out within a couple days.

Good luck.

G8/NATO Summits in Chicago

Fred Lowe here to provide you with the down low on the info of the G8 and NATO summits coming to Chicago in May of 2012. I'll scour the net for information and drop it all in one place for your enjoyment. I'll even have a few interviews from cops, protesters, and citizens alike, I'll try not to leave any side out. I'll keep this as up to date as possible. Leave a comment if you want me to post anything specific.