
G8/NATO Summits 2012

Monday, November 14, 2011

Occupy Chicago vs. G8/NATO Protests

Let's take a look at a few things. Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy thinks that the Occupy Chicago situation makes for a good dry run. Not really. OC is a, for the most part, a real peaceful protest. It's organised to a point. However, it's mostly Chicagoan's that know how CPD reacts and have made it a point to not get on their bad sides. That's why it's more peaceful then many other cities Occupy Wall Street is in. OC even has the Green group willing to go to jail.

The G8/NATO protest won't even come close to being that nice. Unlike OC, they have have the Black Blockers that who are the one's who do the damage. The rest, for the most part, are peaceful. But as we know, all it takes is for one idiot to start the downward spiral of order into sheer chaos. Just look up, "Black Block", you'll see what I mean. Not to mention, the sheer numbers will be overwhelming. More then likely, we'll need outside help to assist.

Now, how is that a valid comparison? It isn't.

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