
G8/NATO Summits 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

(Not A) Call to Arms

Quite a bit, I've been seeing people doing a "Call to Arms" to riot in the streets of Chicago. Why? It'll just work to prevent what message you have from getting through. News won't report on your side, they'll be too busy reporting on the riots. Those on the other, the law, are just doing their jobs. They are there to make money for themselves and their family. During the summits they will be putting in significant overtime. They are just people, like you and me. It's bad enough that they don't know if they'll go home to their families on a normal day, why make it worse. Things like this are why location have a damned army in front of their doors. This is why protesters get a bad name.

What ever happened to peaceful protest? About 4 years back, a group called "Anonymous" protested the crimes of Scientology during "Project Chanology". Beforehand, they called for this very thing, violence. A man named Mark Bunker (Wise Beard Man), who I had the pleasure of meeting, gave them the message to remain peaceful. They did, and you know what, Scientology is being prosecuted even now. Why? The protesters listened and remained peaceful which allowed their message to be heard. It's not a difficult concept.

When there is nothing to report but the message, it will be broadcast. So please, don't incite riots, it'll only take away what you want to give.

Fred Lowe

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