
G8/NATO Summits 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"New Year's resolution. I made a mistake."

Protesters have submitted applications for parade permits for the protests in May. YAY! But guess what?

Right now the hot button issue seems to be the fact that the "temporary" policies instated for the Summits (stiffer penalties for resisting officers, and no marches can last longer then 2 hours), will, in fact, be permanent and for EVERYONE in the vote on January 18th go that way. Emmanuel said he made a mistake when it came to it. No, you might not think it a big deal for the Summit protests, but it will effect everyone. Your Pride parades (sexual and cultural) can and will be effected. Think about it. The law will be, anyone refusing to disperse after only two hours can and will be arrested. So much for the good old day long parties. It's bad enough they're pretty much shutting down known city events like the Taste, but now the parades? When will it end? It's starting to look like "1984" here. Good book by the way.

As for the resisting arrest fines, not a significant problem over all. It's been about the same in New York and L.A. but now it's here. It is going to be double what it once was here. Still trouble, but not too big of a deal, but, then again, it was only to be for the Summits. I still find it funny. He begs for it to come here, and now he's mad because he has to put in effect all these laws to prevent trouble. But do I really care? Not as much as you think. But I do know this, if they put these laws on the books, they better follow it or it'll turn people away from the city. We can't have selective enforcement of the laws. And what do I mean? Here's something you might get a kick out of, you see people flying kites in the parks right? The same thing the Mayor did? It's illegal. It might turn into a law that's only used on certain people. If  it's voted active, the parade law should be used on all of them. Including the Bud Billiken, St Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, Gay Pride, and all of them. Like it or not, it will effect everyone. Remember that. In eight days, they'll vote, let's just hope they dismiss it, it'll cause more trouble then it's worth

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