
G8/NATO Summits 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Anonymous' Call

Something that has appeared in the new recently is that it's "Anonymous" putting forth the call for people to Occupy Chicago in regards to the Summits after news agencies found videos online of the call. Citing website shut downs caused by Anonymous as being related to the possibility of the same for Chicago. The website shut downs were not in correlation to the video call. They were in response to ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) that was signed by the US in secrecy as it is in other countries. The video of Anonymous calling for people to come to Chicago is the Adbuster's influence on some of Anonymous. Another thing that is irritating me is that people continuously saying they've spoken to the "leaders" of Anonymous. This is untrue. Anonymous is an amalgam of people on the internet. The only person who can possibly be their leader is Christopher "m00t" Poole.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

White House Promises

Well, the White House claims Chicago won't be footing the bill for the cost of security. It's that nice? I doubt that'll happen. More then likely we'll need to still pay a portion for security. Not to mention, shops that require extra security will have to pay their own bill. They also claim, they are confident that Chicago can handle the potests and other security concerns... Again, doubt it. We can barely handle what we already have in this city.